1. The way it works is that you call your car and it comes
‘will’ = predictions, or sometimes for plans. Not for describing the usual process.
2. Everything is lit up at night
3. We played as a woman in the game
‘as’ = describes the role. ‘Like’ = shows a comparison to something. i.e. She worked like a robot nonstop
4. I think anyone would lose their nerve
‘would’ = hypothetical guesses / predictions
5. You have to identify yourself if the police asks.
‘legitimize’= legal process of authorization
zero conditional form ! -> subject + present simple, if + present simple
6. If you take the left (If you go left / If you turn left), it is there.
7. She lived very poorly.
poor = adjective (describe what it is). Poorly = adverb (describes how you do it)
8. She has time for her granddaughter
In English, we have to put a ‘determiner’ (my, your, our, the ) in front of family members.
9. Many people have different opinions of her
‘meaning’ = definition of a word, or interpretation of an event.
10. Not everyone will get vaccinated.
“A vaccine” is the thing you put into your body – it cannot be used as a ve